• Volunteers

Visiting Hospice Service


•Formerly known as the Warmhearts Palliative Caregivers Volunteer Visiting Program

Backed by a committed staff, Visiting Volunteers meet not only the physical needs, but also the psychological, social, cultural, emotional and spiritual needs of each client and family.

Our team seeks to uphold a person’s dignity by providing a comforting presence of friendship, caring and hope for the person living with the illness as well as the best quality of life for both the client and their family.

How do we help?

When a cure is no longer possible, Visiting Volunteers provide care in the form of:

  • Companionship and compassionate bedside support
  • Caregiver respite
  • Bereavement support
  • Compassion, caring and empathy, wherever needed

Who do we assist?

Visiting Volunteers support individuals and families who are facing a terminal illness, with a prognosis of one year or less.

Where do we assist?

Volunteers will visit with the client in the home, in hospital, at the community residential hospice, or in long-term care facilities.

How to access our services:

We encourage the following people to make a referral to our Visiting Hospice Services:

  • Caregivers
  • Family members
  • Friends
  • Physicians
  • Care Coordinators
  • Health Care Workers
  • Social Service Workers
  • Cancer Centre personnel

These services are free! As a non-profit, charitable organization, financial support is obtained through various types of donations, but primarily funding from the North East Local Health Integration Network (NE LHIN). This allows us to offer our services to clients and families free of charge.

For more information, please contact the Client Services Coordinator at 705-674-9252 ext. 236